for international cooperation
for companies
for high-potentials
for R&D institutes
For more than 10 years we have been networking companies, high-potentials and R&D institutes - our integrated networks reach over 80.000 partners.
We provide access to contacts and specialists according to your individual needs and establish strong connections to political and economic stakeholders.
convenite combines management consulting with international high-potential matchmaking and technology transfer. Our tailor-made and goal-oriented consultancy, together with the information from our networks, enables you to achieve your business goals efficiently and sustainably.
Our international network offers your company a significant competitive advantage. Together with our industry experts, we develop individual solutions, adapted to your needs and future challenges. Just like many of our customers, we are happy to accompany you in a long-term partnership and provide you with the full potential of our innovative and smart solutions.
We are happy to be assessed on the basis of our success and offer you precise remuneration arrangements. Please feel free to contact us.
precise in-depth expert analyses
At convenite, we are committed to sound analyses and research as the basis of our consulting services. Our external and internal reports ensure an efficient and sustainable implementation of our projects. We draw from a broad scientific pool of research resources and use them to open up previously hidden opportunities.
globally recognized and trusted
convenite gives you access to over 80.000 partners worldwide. We are proud about our global network of well-known companies, organisations, research institutes, high potentials and partners. We have been building on this network for more than 10 years and support our customers worldwide in their challenges.
Get immediate business results in more than 45+ locations worldwide
We reach more than 80.000 partners worldwide - Our local convenite business partners strengthen this network in 45+ locations worldwide with expertise and fast results for our customers.
Our consultants are ready to advise and support you during the crisis with dedicated services in real time.
(24/7 availability)
Profit from our worldwide bridge competence and our local convenite business partners. Our consultants are looking forward to your inquiry: